Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Turkey Roasting Times Chart - Home Cooking

Turkey Roasting Times Chart

This chart will help you determine approximately how long to roast stuffed and unstuffed turkey. Always use a meat thermometer to gauge doneness.

For a stuffed turkey, the roasting time may vary up to 30 minutes, depending upon the bird and the oven. Use the meat thermometer to check the temperature of the dressing. The center of the dressing inside the bird (or in a separate baking dish) must reach a temperature of 165 degrees F. for food safety.

For an unstuffed turkey, place the meat thermometer in the thickest part of the thigh, taking care that it does not touch any bone. Roast the turkey until the meat thermometer reaches 180 degrees F.

Roasting times are for a preheated 325 degrees F. oven.

Approximate Roasting Times for Stuffed Turkey Approximate Roasting Times for Unstuffed Turkey

How to Roast a Turkey
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