Friday, February 18, 2011

Pineapple - Benefits of eating Pineapple

How to select
Always select a firm but plump pineapple. Check the leaves, the leaves should be fresh and green.

Good pineapple also is very fragrant, however if the fruit is kept in cold storage for long then the aroma may not be very evident.

If buying tinned pineapple then choose the one which has been kept in its own juice. Do not go for the tinned fruit which has been preserved in sugar syrup.

The pineapple has a protective effect on out body.
It contains carbohydrates, proteins, fats and water.

It has calcium, phosphorous, iron, magnesium, potassium and sodium, chlorine,sulphur and manganese;

Excellent source of vitamin C ,Vitamin A, B1 and B2;

It reduces internal inmflammation of the body cells and increases tissue repair after injuries, general surger, diabetic ulcers etc.
Pineapple enzymes have been used with success to treat rheumatoid arthritis.

Pineapple juice along with the food may help down the protein present in the food and help in digestion.

It can reduce blood clotting and helps remove plaque from arterial walls.

Studies suggest that pineapple enzymes may improve circulation in those with narrowed arteries, such as angina sufferers;

Helpful in bronchitis, throat infections.

Mild laxative, helps to clear the intestines.

It is good for helping in anaemia;

Last but not the least - Pineapple is a very good cerebral toner;. It helps agains loss of memory.

It helps your mood and may get rid of melancholy and sad feelings.

So next time you feel sad , try a glass of fresh pineapple juice.

When a fresh juice is extracted it has many good enzymes, but if the juice is left to stand for more than 15 minutes, then the enzymes start to degenerate, thereby reducing the beneficial effects gradually.

Gulp it straight away and you can wash your juicer after that !!!

View the original article here


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