Wednesday, February 16, 2011

KFC Fried Chicken

The secret recipe for KFC fried chicken has never been revealed, but this is a good copy. It actually does contain 11 herbs and spices. The two main secrets behind the delicious flavor is the monosodium glutamate (MSG) ingredient and the use of a pressure fryer.The author says: "What's the secret behind Colonel Sanders's famous eleven herbs and spices? To this day, his secret recipe has never been revealed, leaving curious minds to speculate. I've tried many different combinations, but there is only one that comes out tasting just like the original. To make this, you'll need a pressure fryer." --Ron Douglas

Combine the egg and buttermilk in a large bowl. Soak the chicken pieces in the mixture.

Add the flour to a separate bowl and fold in all the herbs and spices. Roll the chicken in the seasoned flour until completely covered.

Add the lard to a pressure fryer and heat to 365 F. Be sure to follow the manufacturer's directions for your pressure fryer.

Use a utensil to lower 4 pieces of the chicken into the hot oil, and lock the lid in place. Be careful not to burn yourself with the hot oil.

Allow to fry for 8 to 10 minutes, until the chicken is golden brown and thoroughly cooked.

Once the pieces are cooked, release the pressure according to the manufacturer's directions and remove the chicken to paper towels or a metal rack to drain.

Repeat with the remaining 2 pieces of chicken.

Yield: 6 pieces

Secret Recipe Tips: The real secret to making this is the Accent in the recipe and using a pressure fryer!

Make sure the oil is at 365 F before frying the chicken. To avoid making a mess, use a utensil when adding the chicken. Quickly lock the lid on the pressure fryer once all the pieces of chicken have been added.

For crispier chicken, use Crisco instead of lard and double-coat the chicken with the flour mixture.

Recipe Source: America's Most Wanted Recipes by Ron Douglas (Atria Books)

View the original article here


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